Return to Eden

Yup here we are!

Friday, June 3


Hey there everyone . I know you all have been waiting with baited breath for the next installment so I hope you like this one.
2 days I have been trying to get on and get this out of my brainwaves but the systems are slow and have been down for a few days so I hope to get out as much as possible now while they are slightly working.
I am gonna try to describe the heat to you but I am fairly sure you really have to experience it for yourself.
I wake up in the morning at around 4 am, its just getting light it has not cooled down at all and I can hear one bird cheeping; thats it, only one. It probably lives in the one tree I have seen in the next "paddock". Then I fall back into some kind of sleep. Waking again, just to lay there not moving but I'm already sweating, contemplating my day. Its 8am; I've had the bare minimum of sleep as it's so hot. The fan has been on 3 all night- it only goes to 4! The bird is chirping no more, its hot also Or its been eating by one of the many cats that patrol the area.
We sleep under our sleep sheets that are made of silk.. pure indulgence I know! But yet on top of a bed sheet that is about 1.5 foot too short for the bed?? Sometimes if the night is cooler we may even sleep in them. We have had to lose a window (covered by a blanket which we have no use for, and a clothes cupboard) due to the fact that the water pumps for the well is outside it and so they go on and off all night. Our neighbours are awake at all hours during the night it seems. It only turns on when in use so we get the pump noise but we dont hear the noise of the passersby so much. Then we get up and have a shower, the water is strange about 60\40 mix of fresh and salt water. No hot water but trust me, we dont really need it. Outside by 9am its up around the 35 degrees mark and yes people its only gonna get hotter..... how much can this Koala bear?!
Katy and I cleaned the flat 2 days ago and we have found- 1. its probably cheaper and easier to pay someone else to do this. 2. The best way to clean the floor is to throw buckets of water onto it. They have not invented mops here yet! They have a squeegee instead with an old towel, but they need AgeyBrown tiling to do the floors because the drain is one way and the water tends to flow in the other direction?! But we expect that now, here where most things seem almost normal now not surprising.
Wandering down the main St. In the shade of course! The sun has sting. We are contstantly hassled by the shop owners- cheap, cheap, come see my wares, why you no buy?
The fuel must be dirt cheap here as thats all the taxi drivers do - laps of about 1.5 ks of the main drag -the centre ending in a white painted circle on the road as the round-about! tooting their horns every 10m! As they go past us they slow down and call out "Taxi?" I have now resigned myself to pointing and telling them if they just drive a little further up there, there will be a taxi- cheap too, 1 egyptian pound! Or they wait at the start of the "roundabout" and ask as we walk past, I usualy point to a taxi and say " their you go mate, here is a taxi if you need one! I know... smarty but I just cant help it. They are slowly getting used to our faces and everyday now less and less bother us.
Ok about our appartment I also hope to soon put up some photos on the web page of our pad!
Its on the ground floor, off the main road, smallish kitchen, cupboards stuffed with snacks! with portable gas stove and a sink that does not drain so well.. Hhmm seems to remind me of home!
2 bedrooms and a lounge with around 12 fat cushions scattered over the floor which has rugs all everywhere. We just got speakers for my MP3 player yesterday so now we have a makeshift stereo! So good to have music.
Brand new fridge stocked with all the good stuff- water and beer. Water is cheap 16EP for 12 1.5 litres bottles $3.50AUD. Already we are getting home delivery on the grog we just have to ring them and say SEND MORE BEER! Not that we are really drinking alot ... its way too hot, I feel half tanked after one! lame huh?! well it is pint sided not 375ml. thats for sure. So we are all set, we bought a sheesha- its a fancy name for a water pipe! stands about 3 foot high and that resides in the corner most of the time. We like to use apple tobacco. Its so smooth and I am hoping not to get addicted to tobacco again! Even Davo the non smoker likes it! You know the deal- when in Rome do as the Romans do... I mean Egypt and egyptians! ha ha me so funny!
Now I'm gonna get sidetracked on the food and cheapness of it!
We have already found its a whole lot cheaper to eat out! We did get takeaway Kohshary the first night! Its pasta with lentils, chickpeas, tomatoe chilli, dried shallots, lemon juice chilli sauce if you want mmmmmm yummy. Costs 3 Egypt Pound for a small one\5 for a big one = .66 cents \ $1.10 Aussie!
There is King Chicken (Bedouin style, the native nomadic people to this area) its the best, We get half chicken with soup, salad, rice and potatoey goodness for 12EP = $2.60AUD
Falafel House- the Dynamite- pita with falafel, salad, eggplant, tahina, poatoes (actual chips) and some stuff called foul its a red beany thingy for 1.75 EP =38 cents.
Then we also can eat out at a the many resturants there are, but we always are telling them "look after us, we locals now, we want egyptian price not tourist prices!" A main meal usually goes for about 30Ep= $6.50 gotta love it.
We are obviously here to do some diving. I am slowly making my advanced course, I canna be bothered to rush these things; its too hot I tell ya! We have found Big Blue to be near to our pad and the people really cool. If you go to the web site the photo on the home page- its actually us standing at the front counter!
Mo is the owner and a very kind, generous and devote muslim. He runs the business with his english wife Sarah also a very kind, generous and devote muslim. She is pregnant and studies the arabic language to read the Koran. He has told me that approximatley 80% of muslims (world wide) are unable to read arabic... So they beleive in a book they cannot read?! I will let you work that out!
Rohan (an Aussie) and his girl Gail (a frog) work there also along with some of the egyptian drivers etc. Its the one dive centre we all went to and felt at ease and not pressured into anything and was also in our price range. Andrew has started to make his Dive Master course, so we only really see him if we go on a dive with him Or\and in the evening.
Wow now I can tell you about the diving... I can't explain how amazing it is !!!!!!! Its like the best giant fish bowl you have ever wanted and your in it! Yay! Even snorkelling is truley wicked. I have seen heaps of large Parrot fishes, Napolean wrasse, Nemo and family, lion fishes, sea dragon thingys, amazing coral very cool and way better than Turkey!
I am going to regress now back to the cat population. I, as most of you know am highly allergic to these animals and really do not care for them in any way for what they do to native birds anywhere in the world. BUT as I have had to face so many in Turkey and Egypt its hard not to find a little soft spot for them inside me. There is one that hangs at the dive shop and he is ginger stripped about 4 months old and still cute... wait until he has to start defending his territory! He loves to get his belly rubbed.. just like a dog! its the funniest thing. He just lounges around on the chairs and looks miffed if you kick him off to sit down, yet if you stand at the counter he will plonk himself infront of you tummy barred ready for your pat! Funny as! They really need a good de-sexing program over here- hey Becky tell Moz to send me a gumboot and a good blade!
We also met the fattest cat I have ever seen in greece\ Athens will get a photo of it when we go back there!
David has also slipped a can of cat food into the shopping snack basket yesterday... I have warned him about letting the cats rely on us for food and what happens when we leave... But he wants to fatten up a little one that is just a few weeks old- so it can be strong he tells me... I say nothing!
Also the "paddock" I speak of next to us... well its more of a rubbish tip. Its everywhere not just in the paddock, along the street in the allyways to the beach. Mo tells me that it is a lack of caring and more so a lack of education on the humans here. The same goes with the amount of cats. I am going to go on an underwater cleanup one day with him, because down there is just as bad as on land. Still trying to do my bit.
We are also craving the all holy VEGEMITE we have been counting the ways we like to eat it.. Davo's is on cruskits with cheese and mine is on fresh pita with lots of butter... mmmmmmm
I have also been on a journey to find a pair of thongs my merrel sandles are too sweaty and are overdue for a wash.. there are criterias for thong shopping size, comfort fit and of course price... cant seem to find anything yet still I search.