Return to Eden

Yup here we are!

Saturday, July 23

aiwa, we are all meshi!

Just to start- I will let you know that we were nowhere near Sharm.. Well, closer than most of you; but still far away! Sharm is a one hour drive from here. We were peacefully sleeping on the beach - in Jasmine, as our room is like a sauna. Too hot for sleeping. We awoke as the sun rose and wandered home when Katy told us the news Gilly had called- thanks Gilly! So I believe that most of you would have received our text. If you didn't yell at someone who did; I told them to pass it on! Hee hee.
Any how we have booked our tickets out of here for the 4th Aug back to Athens. Giving it time to settle down and hopefully the Sharm airport will re-open by then, we really do not want to take the bus!
The tourist police have grown in size around Dahab overnight. There was 2-3 around in groups now 4-5. Which is comforting more than it is daunting. Glad to say that we have done the touristy things and we can now now get out of this country. Our Egyptian friends - Walid and Mustafa- we saw them today have said that anyone Egyptian who has a flat, has been searched. Obviously looking for someone.
Anyhow on to more important things.....
Like my birthday!
Thanks to all who sent me a SMS or email love you!
We all went diving to the caves and umm sid and then 3 pools it was great, really nice. Just a quiet one for dinner where I got some pressies! Yay! Music from Walid, nice one ! Loving the skippy rope thanks Paul! Then out came my "cake" big thanks to Davo and Katy for not letting them get me a real cake! They told the boys at Star of Dahab that i would be happy with just a banana split... its true, I would have but instead....
A MASSIVE fruit salad/ pancake/ icecream/ brownie extravaganza! I have photos and will post before and afters soon! Mustafluffy is very naughty and he knows it!
Was great we did it in 3 days the weather was cooler at night and the people not so hassling. Petra is quiet amazing also and a long walk we did 10ks in one arvo! I had to take a camel half the way back! Met some Funny Aussies who we went with to the dead sea. What an experience that was! Totally weird and cool and owwy with any cuts on your body! See photos soon maybe in the next few days. may not send an email for that so you have to check later ok!? This will probably be the last installment for Egypt but not the last from us- of course. We are sad to leave behind our friends but glad to be moving on.

Tuesday, July 19

Good times, bad times

* Words we have aquired
You will notice that some words have been * to note that this an arabic word that we use (some of) on a daily basis!
La = No .... sometimes when talking to Mustafa we use Laooohhh instead just to annoy him!
Aiwa = yes
Salam = peace on you or hello/ greeting
Shokran = thankyou
Kola Tamam = really good
Marsalam = goodbye peace go with you
Maya Maya = everything is ok
Tamam = everything is together/ in order/ in place
Mesh Meshi = ok/ very good
Humdillyla = very well/ good
Shway shway = slowly slow
Hoaart = oi, hey you
Magnoon = crazy
Kharah = shit
Muzza = what
Ma beak = whats with you
Harem alek = shame on you. Davo's favorite
Ik teram a knee = respect me
Benzona / Hak kear = bastard / bitch
Nic nac suck = go f#!&k yourself
Zoo bick saghir = you have a very small... do I really have to type it? you understand dont you?!
Who makes the best BBQ chicken?
Mustafa, Mustafluffy, Mustacheo, my egyptian brother I never wanted! or just -Pistacheo does! La* oohh! This is the best marinated chicken this side of Texas- with Egyptian herbs lemon pepper salt char grilled to perfection. The salad was fantastic also... Walid! We have been to 2 bedouin dinners in the desert. Lee and Roger -A couple that we had originally met in Istanbul (and happened to bumb into Katy in Dahab that was so cool) were at the first one with us; it was fantastic and glad you were there to experience this with us... see your photo below! Now he Mustafluffy, will be happy!
Diving News
In diving news today an update that Acey has completed her advanced diver certificate, Harry is now a dive master and Katy has completed emergency first response! Hooray for us! Humdillyla*
Gilly- Katy's mum came to stay
There was excitment when we knew that Gilly was coming and Katy did not. It was great, I wish we had the video on to record the look of shock on Katy's little face. It was precious. Then there were tears... and then there was VEGEMITE! Tamam* Thanks Gilly! you also can see your photo below! She was here for a week and it went way too quickly. Of course Gilly brought her motherly instincts with her and we all started to look after the cats even more than before. They have names now- the loudest being- Acey, the runaway/explorer- Harry, the littlest- Katy, Smokey joe, Mumma , Black Mama, Big balls, Gammy legs, Gammy tooth the Bear ( I will but a photo of him on here soon), Mousey mousey (The Aussie will know why, to give you a hint- a certain ad on TV) and Top Mouser!
New friends and yes your photo is below!
We made some new friends as you do who we plan to go and visit in Norway Siv and Marcus. They are fantastic people and we had many a good time and sheesha with them at Jasmines... our outside by the sea lounge room!
And our old friends last hurray!
Was really good to see Kylie and Gareth before they flew out to S.A. - (South Africa not Sth Aust.) Spending some quaility with them and Kylie's first dive you go girl! Sorry to hear about the sheesha we are going shopping for you this arvo!
Thistlegorm, Ras Mohammed and Tieran Islands 2 days
This is a shipwreak off the coast of Sharm el Shak and a great boat dive, very popular maybe even too popular. It was a english boat that was sunk by the germans? During the war? We went on a Monday and the amount of boats grew from 4 to start to about 20 by the time we were leaving. Anyhow it was amazing we did 2 dives to it the first- outside we descended nearest the massive propeller and swam past the machine gun and around it. The 2nd dive we went inside, there are jeeps , motorbikes, boots and batteries and really big fish about! The seas were against us on the way out of both dives and I cant say any of us really enjoyed them completley. Good under the water not sitting on the top of it though. We did an amazing dive at Ras Mohammed where the fish are just huge...
I wanted to see a shark and I did and then I had to wrestle him away to save Davo. Davo was very happy that I did this. Then Davo got kidnapped by a group of masked puffer fish... it was very hard for me to make a positive I.D. being that they had masks n all. But in the end I got my Davo back and its all humdillyla* again... How's that Bendy?! good one hey? Is that what you wanted?
(sorry to freak anyone out) hee hee ha ha
Tieran isalnds was very nice but I definatley enjoyed Ras heaps more. It was just a pity that there was really no organisation on the boat with it being run by some egyptian cowboys... a few minor hiccups and it was about to hit boiling point with all of us with handys threatening from the water to stab one of them and refering to them as a bunch of muppets!... when the Beulga Whales arrived and chilled everyone out... It was as if they knew....
Differences in Egypt.
Dahab and Sharmel shak are really different to the rest of Egypt. Sharm is europe. Fully set up for the English and Italian tourists who have more money than sense.
There are 3 types of menus in Egypt (cheapest to $$$$) the egyptian/ local, the tourist and the italian! The waiters will hear you speak before deciding which menu to give you... of course we always ask for the local no matter where we are in Egypt!
Dahab is a backpacker heaven everything is cheap and you do not get (as much) hassle as anywhere else like Cairo, Luxor and Aswan. There they are intense; and after a long day trekking around seeing the sights our tempers are a little short with some people. This is no exageration -To walk 3 metres and be asked 5 times for a Fellucca ride, taxi, horse carriage, camel ride , donkey, or a horse. We have worked out being nice gets you no where only into more hassle. They just do not take no for an answer unless you are nasty with them. Aggression is a course of action in this strange environment or we just act compleatly freaken Magnoon*. Then you find you are short with one and he gets all offended and says why you speak me like this i just wanna be your friend so you find yourself apolgising and next minute he is trying to get you into his bazaar/shop!!! you just cannot win. Its all a very draining experience. Breathe Acey (or more so Davo) shway shway*.... Dahab is safe.... everything is good... they know us there... everything will be kola tamam*
Hurguada to Luxor
After the boat trip we headed strait to the ferry and overnight in Hurguada, where our taxi driver took us out for dinner... we had to pay for him of course! but it was cheap and good, just like king chicken in Dahab. The next morning we got on a really shitty bus to Luxor. Egyptians believe that air conditioning is opening a window... I shit you not my friends.
James from Venus Hotel was a complete annoyance but for some reason we ended up staying there ... perhaps his persisitance payed off or we were too hot to argue anymore. Luxor and Aswan are alot hotter than Dahab. We had to be at least near a pool and we managed to scam that quiet well... They thought that we were staying at that hotel when we were across the road at the venus which was 1 tenth of the price!!!!! one point to us about 75 points to the Egyptians!
Valley of the Kings, Nobles and we can't remember the name of the other one... that's really bad init?!
I think we are offically templed out like we were ruined out in Turkey!
This was a big day what saved us from the heat (50 degrees plus) was the driver, he actually knew how to work the aircon! All hail the bus driver!
There was a welsh couple on the bus with us and their 2 kids- 4year old girl -Teanni and 3 year old boy and then also 2 English blokes. The tombs are somewhat impressive as for how they were built and have stayed entacted over the years. Although we could not help notice how "fresh" the hyroglyphics inside the tombs were. Built so long ago, and thousands of tourists every year yet they are very well preserved..... got us thinking, more on that later. Teanni attached herself to me literally when we got to the valley of the nobles and after 10 steps asked if she could be carried. So pretty quickly she found a new style that she had not heard b4 an old aussie favorite the Piggy back!
Luxor via Edfu and Kom Ombo to Aswan
We took the same mini bus driver down to aswan vis Edfu - the photo with the falcon. Kom Ombo the crocodile temple... What can I say very well maintained for something that is really not looked after that well at all. But it was impressive anyhow.
We found once we arrived in Aswan as we did in Luxor that the only places with pools were REALLY expensive and Aswan was even expensive if they didnt have a pool!
The shop owner in Aswan who EVERY day tried to charge us 5 e-Pounds when the day b4 we paid 1.50?!!! Harem allek* mr shop owner! I think by the end he was doing it to stir us up but the first couple of times it proves to be quiet annoying. Especially when this happens from every shop you go into. We know that there is only one water in Egypt that is 2 pounds and that is Nestle.. because it is imported, everything else is 1.50. But its all the stoopid tourist that have money to burn that pay 5 pounds for a bottle because to them its only 50 pence. And so the shops try to see if they can stooge you.
Egyptian food is really shitefull/ kharah*... there is just no nice way to say it. Apart from Mustafa's chicken! Most of it is very bland. If it taste Ok- it makes you stink Falafel and Koshary farts are seriously toxic, and can bring a grown man to his knees. The only thing that is good is Tagen a small clay pot casserole; all of them have been great. oh Apart from Katy's in Aswan that had 6 cardamon pods in it... thats way too many.
We arose around 3am to get on a mini bus at 3.30 to Abu- Ramses the 3rd and Nefartari's temple. There was a convoy leaving at 4 am. The bus arrived at 3.05... of course, so lucky we all had it together for a change, we then drove around Aswan because the bus driver didnt have it together by not know where any of the other hotels were. On the road with several other buses where they all basically played chicken with each other. We assume that they do this drive every day and are very bored of this... never mind about our lives.. no, it really was semi- safe! Trying to sleep was nearly immpossible, so Andrew made himself a head sling with the curtains.... smart man! I may have to put that photo on here Hansy?! We arrived at 8am asking bus driver where our guide was... In there you will find him! Bought our tickets to which the price was 38.50 and of course they did not have change I was not gonna let them take 40 from me on principle; that we were the first group to arrive there and they should have there act together and have change for me. How many years had this place been open to the public for and they still had not gotten it together- I asked out aloud. The man behind the counter was waving me out of the way but I and Davo right at my side... WE SHALL NOT BE MOVED! I told him the only way to get rid of me was to give me my change... it came, thanks very much! another one to us! Then we found our english speaking guide that we had paid for; to discover that the guide is included into the addmission of the ticket... HHHMMM... words were spoken to the tour operator later - Davo and hand were well prepared to jump him if he was to do a runner; like 8 words directly - money back or we call the tourist police. Another win for the famous 4!
Abu is an amazing tomb; so large that they saved it from being lost under the Aswan Dam. put it in a direct replica spot for the sun to shine directly into it 2 days a year The day Ramses was crowned king and the day he died... spooky hey?!
Now I am gonna spoil it all for you...
Nefartari's Tomb is also splendorus, but at this tomb we all really notice just how not aged/ worn at all were the hyroglyphics... And we were not the only ones... In fact you are able to see quiet clearly, fresh new render..... Any renderers want a new job i am sure that you could get one in Egypt as long as you can keep a secret!
The bus ride home was good we made a new friend TIM (yay for you! hope your singing is going real good.) He's a septic tank (but a good one) speaks fluent arabic .. good for us! and he actually has a fair idea about whats really happening in this crazy mixed up world of ours.. He decided to fly back to Dahab with us and hang with us for some days. Which has been much fun and laughter. We are now teaching everyone we met how to play Asshole and hearts - its 2 card games.
Its looking as if we will be leaving Dahab in the near future - August- even though Walid and Mustafa do not want us to go. Its nearly time to move on. Thats all for the moment love to all and why is no-one leaving us comments anymore?

Saturday, July 9

Thought I had better put one in of the nile!
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Aswan -Boys in the pool @ Cleopatra hotel ( too expensive for us to stay there) on things that are not water proof... it took around 20 mins for them to sink!
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arabic style diet pepsi Acey needs a diet and diet 7 up!
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Crocodile hyroglyphic
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Hyroglyphics @ Komombo temple for the crocodiles
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Us lot @ Edfu temple
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Edfu temple, Very large, very old, Acey Davo and Katy
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Gilly, Katy Harry @ Jasmines by night
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Mark (trainee dive master), Harry hamster chops (trainee dive master), Katy and Katy's Mum- Gilly at our other lounge room- Jasmines where they make the best thickshakes! We eat here most days.
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Lea and Roger who we met in Istanbul and managed to bump into in Dahab?!
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Our new friends! Acey, Marcus, Siv, Johan and Davo
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Gareth, Kylie and Acey at 3 pools dive site. We were so glad that they came back and saw us again after this visit, thanks you two we had a blast!
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Here is Andrew trying to get the guy too 1. have a photo taken with the gun showing and 2. trying to get him to let Andrew to fire off a couple of rounds! Good luck with that Handy This is as close as he has come so far! with some extra Backsheesh!
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get me outta here!
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Abu Simbel pictures do not do it justice and it really is an amazing place.

even though the hyroglyphics on the inside look VERY freshly rendered
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Abu Simbel from afar. This is a temple along with 14 others- That 5 Goverments/ countries saved forever from being swallowed up by the aswan dam. It was cut into peices and raised 65 metres to the location it is in now they created the mountian behind it to show what it did look like. Very impressive.

Hand, Katy and Davo at Edfu temple I really like this picture. It was damn hot and they dont look hot at all.
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The darlings!
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A bunch of Beulga whales came and hung out around the boat for aprox. 20 minutes they were realy showing off and having fun.
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Acey and Handy on the boat
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Rohan, Katy, Davo, Acey, Handy and Mo. Well at least we are smiling!. Oh yeah wet suits do nothing for you.
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On the Ras Mohammed and Thistlegorm boat dive getting prepared... for fun and dramas... more on that later.
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The bedouin man who came to seranade us... thats what he claimed he was doing anyhow. It took himn 1/2 hour to tune up then to sing? the song, then Acey had to ask what the song was about .... it took half an hour of explanation with no real outcome and he didnt tell me he told Davo... and Walid in the background saying it was Hotel California!
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Mustafa A.K.A lady boy/moustachefa/eggplant mousaka, Walid, Katy and Handy at the bedouin camp for a BBQ And yes Mustafa you make the best chicken!
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Handy in our lounge room having a sheesa and a stella - beer. WE USE APPLE TOBACCO NOT DRUGS OK! no really we do. why is it noone beleives us?
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Welcome ! This is the front door (and only door to outside) of our flat in Dahab. Posted by Picasa

Sufi dancing in Mohammed Ali mosque in cairo. We went because it was free most other places charge crazy prices to see this, even if the seats were a little uncomfy! Traditional dance not unlike the whirling dervises in Turkey. They spin in circles for about half an hour each, they have on about 2- 3 different skirts on. It made everyone dizzy just watching them. Posted by Picasa

Lots o rocks that hundreds and thousands of stoopid tourists pay way too much money to see... yes that includes us! Posted by Picasa

Hurry up and take the photo its too damn hot! Posted by Picasa

The camel trek to the pryamids that Davo and Katy's bums did not enjoy! Posted by Picasa

This was before we left for Egypt but I thought it was kinda cool-
the veiw for Acey and Davo back of the van style Posted by Picasa