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Tuesday, March 28

Luigi does Edinburgh

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Edinburgh Castle

The one o'clock gun.Guess what time it goes off??? Looking over the city towards the castle Posted by Picasa

This was one castle that had been restored to nearly full working order. The place was beautiful. Could well imagine having a big banquet and party there! It says above: The volcanic rock, which may well have been fortified since pre-historic times, is at one of the most strategically significant location in the Scottish kingdom. Throughout the middle and the perod of the renaissance, Stirling was one of the most important royal castles. The core of what is now to been seen is a group of Buildings that provided a setting for the royal court of Stewart Scotland at its most brilliant period in the reigns of James IV, James V Mary Queen of Scots and James VI.
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Wallace Monument i.e. Braveheart

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The falkirk wheel

Transports Boats from one canal to another in a very unique way, 30 metres high.

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The infamous golf course, St. Andrews

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Looking down to St. Andrews castle
The next couple are from the Highlands of Scotland as we drove up to the Islands.

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pretty pretty

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Daveo does anything for the perfect picture!

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self explanitory really!

That large bit of water in the background... Loch Ness!
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2 Muppets... soo cute!
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Another beautiful Castle with immaculate gardens

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Northern Scotland, Orkney Island

a wet walk along the coast Posted by Picasa