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Friday, April 28

Check this out..... or this one Number One Goat Its all about this goat you see. They are pretty cool animals really so easy to have as a friend ... they never talk back .... only bleat.... Listen to what ever you say, as long as you are feeding them.... they can give you milk if you want it... Butt you if you need a kick up the... all round a decent friend I say! My old friend Leah J is doing a project and I want her to pass with flying colors so am doing this for her. XXX

Sunday, April 9

Snow time

Hey there here are some of the images from our time in Innsbruck, Austria; at the start of this year. Dave and Andrew were there for a month, Katy for the first week, Marty first 2 weeks, me for the last 2 and Nick- Katys bro for the finally week of mayhem! Air over Europe.
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Innsbruck from the air
Innsbruck from the ground
Katy, Niko, Handy anfd Martyn
Dave is a little stoked! Posted by Picasa

Boarding Chicks Claudia and Katy. Steve and Dave discuss the day on the bus.

More boarding chicks Jess, Kate and Claudia Posted by Picasa
Rodelling ~ some weird Austrian sport!
Katy, Marty, Dave and Niko.
Katy's ready to go, Hans, marty and Dave Posted by Picasa

nice style boys, at least Austrian Martin looks normal!

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Claudias Birthday.

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Neutz and Anton. You will see like Andrew, Anton has many names! Top~ Martyn. Middle~ Chris, Kate and Dave. Lower~ Clauda Max and Katy.

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Atom boy talks with Atari boy Dave are you running amok?

And I suppose you gonna blame it on Martyn......
Marty spills his beer, not the best way to impress the sister in law to be! Posted by Picasa
Dave does weights!
They let anyone do anything in the Irish! Rafter beer anyone?!

Ladies look on a little amused I am sure! Kate, Katy and Jess Posted by Picasa
Martyn whats happened? Daveo you looking a little guilty there......
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Steve and Jess
and so it continues........ Posted by Picasa
Chris the Gezzar and Matry looking unimpressed Posted by Picasa
Katy's nicking peoples beanies! Posted by Picasa
back on the mountain after another big night. Posted by Picasa