Getting Hosed
İf you are wondering what getting hosed is , İts when you get done over with paying too much for something like a shoe shine should have cost Handy 2 lira ıt cost him 15.50 instead, with these stoopid 500 cent notes. They did a really bad job. At the St. John Basillica fake coins which Daveo thought was was real hhhmmm..... good to have storıes to tell.
At Monday, 02 May, 2005,
Unknown said…
hey becks thats awsome about the hoosey and the car what did you get? Yes İ miss Vege toast but got a little bit when İ was in Selçek. No ham in this country as most are Muslims.... only beef salami which aint that good. Have not even tried to put up photos yet but today am getting photos off the camera onto disc and will give it a go then. Miss you all Acey
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